by Naomi Quek | 20 Jan 23 | Church Equip Resources, Events
How can pastors and leaders rethink the ways we do church? How might we relearn the art of friendship? We explored these issues in a facilitated dialogue with Senior Pastor Lawrence Chua and Dr. Tan Soo-Inn.
by Naomi Quek | 7 Nov 22 | Church Equip Resources, eNewsletter
The second issue of Church Equip’s e-Newsletter
by Naomi Quek | 3 Nov 22 | Insights, Resource Centre
The Covid-19 pandemic was a rude shove that caused our working lives and routines to crash, and we scrambled to adapt, but also discovered new ways of living along the way. As we transit into learning to live with Covid-19, we now need to ask ourselves what new-found values we must build to create better outcomes.