H2 Learning Survey 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit us like a sudden wave; unquestionably, the way we live and do our works have been reshaped. The obvious is the accelerated dive into digitalization; and digital fluency is deemed to be an upcoming currency that will front most of our personal and business dealings.

The need to have digital skills become a key highlight in every new job opportunity, reskilling and upskilling. It is almost the only way forward if we want to futureproof our career.

Amidst this evolving landscape, Capelle Consulting recognized the importance to align the learning needs of our clients and learners. In August 2020, we surveyed our key clients across various industries.

KEY Takeaways

Aligned with the survey findings, the latest Critical Core Skills* (see image below) released by SkillsFuture Singapore in August 2020 seems to also suggest that soft skills categorized into 2 pillars under Thinking Critically and Interacting with Others remain essential skills that cannot be neglected.
*Source: www.facebook.com/skillsfuturesg

Our earlier article, Future-Ready Yourself for Digitalization, also cited that “soft skills are indispensable because these are “tasks” that can only be managed by humans with emotional intelligence.”

KEY Takeaways

Aligned with the survey findings, the latest Critical Core Skills* (see image below) released by SkillsFuture Singapore in August 2020 seems to also suggest that soft skills categorized into 2 pillars under Thinking Critically and Interacting with Others remain essential skills that cannot be neglected.
*Source: www.facebook.com/skillsfuturesg

Our earlier article, Future-Ready Yourself for Digitalization, also cited that “soft skills are indispensable because these are “tasks” that can only be managed by humans with emotional intelligence.”


While soft skills remain highly essential, we need to also embrace the change in technological advancement in our workplaces. Organizations need to make concerted efforts to drive acceptance and promote digital integration. Crisply said, change management is necessary to help people transit and overcome the challenges.

As such, we recommend that you take on an integrated approach of the change management process.



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